Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Episode 1 - Part Deux

The rag tag band of crazy adventurers are at it again. But this time they have the help of the villagers and priests of Greenest. They don't like Cultists and Kobolds, especially when they are busy destroying their village! So they see the adventurers are tough, and they reward them with masterwork weapons and potions of cure light wounds!

And the Adventures sure did need them! Because as soon as they are healed up, the great big evil adult blue dragon comes back for more pillaging! He or she (???) fires lightning bolts into the crowd of guards and archerers that have assembled on top of the Keep.

Shae (female human fighter) with her bad-ass abilities throws a couple of lances at the dragon. One lance simply falls to the ground, never to be seen again. But another lance hits the dragon hard! Sticking into its side. Cory fires a volley of arrows at the dragon, which causes it to leave the village.

Crosis (male dragonborn sorcerer) yells at the dragon in Draconic, asking him/her to leave us alone, but the dragon appears to have not heard him. What a bitch, but were not sure of the sex...

Anyway, Egbert the red haired dwarf calls for the adventurers to help him save the Flour Mill. Which they can see from the parapets of the keep is on fire. He escorts them down into the cellar and gives them a big bronze old key that will lead them through a secret passageway. Once they get to the end of the tunnel they can then sneak over to the flour mill undetected.

Cory (male halfling rogue) uses the key and they open the old rusted door. As they go single file into the tunnel they discover a couple of swarms of rats! These rats bite hard! And they are difficult to hit, so the adventurers simply ignore the swarms and run though the tunnel. Cory is able to successfully open the locked door at the end of the tunnel quietly.

They then dispose of a group of kobolds that were lighting fires around the flour mill. Once the area is clear of baddies they notice that the fires appear to have been faked. But they go into the flour mill anyway, only to discover an ambush! Which Crosis decides this is a good time to use his badass force spell, which kills 2/3 of the ambushies. The remaining cultists hide and stay quiet!

After ensuring the flour mill isn't on fire anymore, the adventurers go back to the Keep. They spend a couple of hours resting. But then a half-dragon challenged the remaining forces in the keep to one final battle before the pillagers will depart. Shae realizes it's her chance to shine, so she goes out for battle. Which she realizes was a bad idea when the half-dragon opens its mouth and electrifies her for double her pitiful pool of hit points. The priests in the keep hearl her up however. Now the party is considered heroes of Greenest!

Map I used with to provide combat

used for top of keep while dragon was attacking!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Episode 1, Part 1

The group of adventures have banded together on the road to Greenest. Each with their own background stories as to why they are going to Greenest. As they reach a vista summit above Greenest they see that it is under attack! Crosis is dragon-born, and sees that it is an adult blue dragon, which is tied to his same lineage. He tells the group about the dragon.

Oni, who is a half-orc male cleric grew up in Greenest. His family had been massacred when he was a child from a band of Orcs. So he has a deep hatred for that part of his lineage and loves the town of Greenest. So as soon as he sees what is taking place he becomes very impatient and asked the group to hurry to see if they can save anyone.

Cory, halfling male rogue, is apprehensive about getting to the village. But he was assaulted earlier by a group of thugs stating they were part of the Cult of the Dragon. So he is trying to make as much distance as possible from them encase they are still chasing him.

Shae is a female human fighter. Her family was killed by dragons and so has a deep hatred for them. So as soon as she sees the dragon she wants to find a way to kill it.

As they approach the village a group of humans rush past them. In hot pursuit is 8 Kobolds. Crosis takes almost all of them out before a couple were able to flee.

Oni recognizes the women and immediately rushes up and heals her. Using his bandages and salves.

The group notice that the remaining villagers are rushing to the keep, so they decide to follow them. Once they get inside the keep the guards barricade the doors so none of the Cultists can get in.

Governor Nighthill finds the group and immediately asks them for their assistance, taking them to the top of the keep to look down as he asks them to get one of the cultists for interrogation.

Here they complete ‘Prisoners’ mission for the Gov. And now they have ‘The Old Tunnel’, ‘The Sally Port’, ‘Dragon Attack’, ‘Save the Mill’, ‘Sanctuary’, and finally ‘Half-Dragon Champion’ to compete for the first episode.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Just made this blog to track progress with the work I plan to do for GM'ing DnD 5.0 adventures.

Good websites I have found that discuss Hoard of the Dragon Queen: