Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Episode 2, part 3

Korosis (dragonborn sorcerer) struts into the Cultist camp with a cloak he stole from a straggler cultist he had killed on the path the cultist camp. The kobolds and humans automatically bow to him in recognition. Anything dragon related they adore, and dragonborn are worshiped by these evil cultists.

And Korosis isn't happy, these cultists ruined his friends village. He walked in, looking for his friend Leosin Erlanthar. A Monk who had been studying the cultists.

Brynn (wood elf cleric) was closely following Korosis with her own cultist cloak she took from the same stragglers. She had spent a lot of time in Greenest and was upset that some of the villagers she held in high regard had been kidnapped.

Cory (halfling rogue) is on the run since his father is a well known dragon killer. Some of the mediocre cultists had found out about it and had beat him up. But what is odd is that during the onslaught he had endured, a drow elf with wicked looking weapons had sat and laughed at the beating.

Shae (human fighter) had personally been killed by a half dragon leader of the camp. Which she had been resurrected by Greenest Clerics, but now she didn't like the half dragon. In which when she was young her family had been killed by Dragon Cultists.

As they investigate the camp, then hear a large commotion from the middle of the camp. They can see smoke and fire billowing from a circle of white tents. As they pass the tents to get to the kidnapped villagers they can see what is causing the loud drum beating sound and fire. A group of Drow Elf are doing some kind of ceremonial dance in a circle. As they chant and beat drums, the cast powerful cantrips into the middle of the circle, creating a very bright statue of light, fire, electricity, etc.

Finally they find the monk, who doesn't want to leave. So they knock him out and take him back to Greenest. With the cultists not really paying attention and don't notice the theft.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Episode 2, Part 2

The adventures come up to the cultists raiding camp. Cory (Rogue) being the sneaky rogue through the rough terrian, crawls up and looks down at the camp.

He can see that there are numerous tents and activity in the valley below. He sees that they have 2 towers quickly constructed for aerial defensive monitoring. The camp is broken up into Kobolds and human cultists.

The party goes back to the stragglers and takes their clothes. Fortunately the clothes don't have too much blood on them. And Brynn's mending spell helps get the clothes to fit well for Cory and others.

They went into the camp and found Leosin, as well as a friend of Brynn's. They save them and get back to Greenest safety.

But then that douchbag Governor Nighthill asks them to do one more task for them...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hoard of the Dragon Queen Episode 2, Part 1

The unruly band of adventurers are really tired and fed up with Governor Nighthill. He seems like a charlatan that is just posing as the elected leader of Greenest. How could an old man ask so much from the party? Does he have no backbone?

It is almost morning and the adventures are very tired. They have only had an few hours of rest when Nighthill comes up and asks for more assistance from them. They are not happy with his request, but begrudgingly they listen. He informs them that he would like them to track the raiders of Greenest to their camp. Then determine who their leader is, how large of a raiding camp do they have, etc. He offers them 250gp per person if they do this for him.

After some complaining they accept, he then provides them provisions for the trek to follow them.

Bottom of the map shows Greenest