Tuesday, May 9, 2017

DnD Adv Leg - A Hole In The World

This was an interesting adventure to run. Went a lot faster then I had expected. The players powered through the combats. The APL of the group was considered a weak party, but I think they could've handled all the combats as a normal group.

They took out the Orc threat to the city, leaving the Modrons as the final combat scenario to fight!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

DnD Adv League - A Cog In The Wheel

Ran this at Anime Imports in Pacifica. Got Medium Flat Crust Pizza nextdoor! Too bad they are moving to secret locatino in June! This was fun to run, but then it got confusing what the party should do to get into the Modron Camp and find the Assassin. They wanted to talk to the leader, but the Detratron would've not appreciated finding out they wanted to take a modron from his camp...