The adventures come up to the cultists raiding camp. Cory (Rogue) being the sneaky rogue through the rough terrian, crawls up and looks down at the camp.
He can see that there are numerous tents and activity in the valley below. He sees that they have 2 towers quickly constructed for aerial defensive monitoring. The camp is broken up into Kobolds and human cultists.
The party goes back to the stragglers and takes their clothes. Fortunately the clothes don't have too much blood on them. And Brynn's mending spell helps get the clothes to fit well for Cory and others.
They went into the camp and found Leosin, as well as a friend of Brynn's. They save them and get back to Greenest safety.
But then that douchbag Governor Nighthill asks them to do one more task for them...
Its a little over whelming.