Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Episode 3, Part 3 - The Party Meets 'Blender'


The party meets Badger in this session. After Badger assists in killing 3 winged kobolds the party then enters a room that has notes regarding why the raiding camp is deserted. In which they packed up and went northwest to 'Naerytar'. They find a hidden pit that leads to what appears to be the main room of the cavern, a shrine to a 5 headed dragon. Here Shae meets her nemesis, the blue half-dragon that she had died from in Greenest. The party fights him and his cronies and defeat them! Getting the following loot:

  • 40gp from the kobolds barracks
  • 4 dragon talismans worth 50, 60, 70, and 100 (280gp)
  • String of Pearls (NOT a Pearl Necklace!)(300gp), Gold-and-Sapphire Ring(900gp), Pouch of precious Stones (600gp)
  • 16gp in the room with the drunk cultist
  • Nice purple cultist uniform that fits well for a woman, Shae tries it on

The Party Meets 'Blender'

After the party has decimated a large group of cultists and guards that are starting to recover from the fight. They walk into what appears to be a treasure room, or at least it once was. In the middle of the room is a drunk cultists that is snoring loudly from too much wine. Which is obvious given the number of bottles lying around him. There are remains of boxes and other items that were in the room. It appears that a lot of valuable items had been in this room, but had been removed in a hurry fairly recently.

As they collect the gold and gems, a scruffy looking halfling walks into the room and starts to inspect the man lying on the ground. He picks up the half eaten leg of meat and starts chewing on it.

After a brief set of introductions, the party is interrupted by a group of Winged Kobolds! They had a surprise round and started attacking the halfling. Something about scruffy looking halflings...

Anyway, I digress, the halfling proved resourceful in quickly disposing of the Kobolds. In which with a quick flick of his great-axe, one kobold turned into a spray of blood and gore. If someone had their smart phone out to record the event, it would have a number of page views on youtube.

Cory yelled 'Blender'! After seeing the event, and now the name has somewhat stuck to the halfling of not that many words.

The party decided to continue their investigation of the caverns. So Cory lead the group into the next room, slowly investigating the floors for traps.

They entered a room which appeared to be a nice office like room. It has a nice desk with numerous papers scattered on the desk. As well as nice rugs covering the stone floor. As Cory searched the back of the room he found a hole under one of the rugs! He almost fell into the rug, but then at the last second he swiftly dodged the hole. 'Blender' quickly came up and removed the rug from the hole.

The party looked down the hole into darkness. From roughly 50 yards away down the hole the party heard faint chanting.

The party then goes down the tunnel and enters a very nice room in the cavern, in which the walls have been polished smooth, with etchings of dragons as art. As they walk into the room, a blue half-dragon turns around and yells at Shae! Battle begins!

Blender throws alchemist oils at that puts the half-dragon into flames. After each party member does a number of rounds of attacks, they kill the half-dragon and his two dragon cultists.

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